Sunday 25 November 2012

The Script



Mother: Elizabeth! Elizabeth, darling! Posture!
Elizabeth [on horse]: Sorry mother...

Elizabeth gets off horse.

Mother: You did good today darling.
Elizabeth: I did, didn't I?!

Mother exits scene.
Elizabeth leans against the wall, lights a cigarette and looks into the camera.

Elizabeth: See, I am a good girl. In fact I'm everything a well brought up girl should be... I just like to f*ck sh*t up...

Narration. Introducing the characters.

Elizabeth: Oh, I'm Elizabeth by the way, but the f*cked up girls that are my friends call me Lizzie.
- Here's Stella, well Stomper Stella. You'll see why.
- That's Tiff, she doesn't look like much but trust me, she's a psycho.
- Ow! [wincing] That's my girl! That's Jodie, she's, erm... good with her hands.
- And of course- our Becky, she's brutal. A gob like my arse on the morning after a vindaloo; a terrible pain and spitting out sh*t. It's not nice.

And those c*nts, have been well and truly destroyed...

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