This is the first draft of our storyboard for our film opening.
The titles and production team will be shown here.
This establishing shot will pan to show the location of the first scene.
This shot will show the main character riding a horse. There will be non-diegetic music playing in the background.
Here, we will see the main character lighting a cigarette, looking into the camera and then saying some dialogue.
Non-diegetic narration begins here. This long shot will show the main character walking down the street directly towards the camera. Here there will also be a shift in the tone of the music.
Whilst the main character is walking down the street, the camera will focus in on her feet.
As she approaches the front door, the title of the film will appear on it.
This is an over-the-shoulder shot of the main character knocking on the door.
Here will be a long shot, tracking the characters coming down the street.
Like a previous shot, the camera will focus in on the main characters' feet.

As the narrator mentions each character, there will be an action associated with them and then a freeze frame where their name will be indicated.
It will be the same as this for the following characters;
At this point, the opening will end with one final punch coming towards the camera and therefore will end with a blackout.
where are the final storyboards?