Saturday, 20 October 2012

Film Conventions Presentation


  1. Good start Megan. Not finsihed yet though.

    Call it Film Opening Conventions
    1st sentence: '...particular genre OR MEDIA FORM' (add that)

    In your book you should have a list of all the things we expect to see in a film opening, such as:

    - titles (certain ones in particular like film name, studio nam, main cast)

    - establishing shots

    - intro to key characters

    - enigma

    ...and a whole lot more. (I know you've touched on some of those)

    Take a look at Gemma's which is very good.

    See me if this makes no sense!

  2. So good Megs!

    The only thing that might improve the presentation is some videos/audio clips to support certain points (I appreciate this may not be possible in some cases).

    Once or twice you say 'of' rather than 'or' (I always do this too) but other than that it's great so well done.

    Level 4 (A)
